
  • CS6401D Water Quality Sensor RS485 Blue-Green Algae Sensor

    CS6401D Water Quality Sensor RS485 Blue-Green Algae Sensor

    CS6041D blue-green algae sensor uses the characteristic of cyanobacteria having absorption peak and emission peak in the spectrum to emit monochromatic light of a specific wavelength to the water. Cyanobacteria in the water absorb the energy of this monochromatic light and release monochromatic light of another wavelength. The light intensity emitted by cyanobacteria is proportional to the content of cyanobacteria in the water.Based on the fluorescence of the pigments to measurement the target parameters , it can be identified before the impact of algal bloom.No need for extraction or other treatment, rapid detection, to avoid the impact of shelving water samples;Digital sensor, strong anti-interference ability, long transmission distance;Standard digital signal output can be integrated and networked with other devices without controller.
  • T6540 Online Dissolved Oxygen Meter DO sensor Fish Pond Aquaculture Aquarium

    T6540 Online Dissolved Oxygen Meter DO sensor Fish Pond Aquaculture Aquarium

    Industrial online dissolved oxygen meter is an online water quality monitor and control instrument with microprocessor. The instrument is equipped with different types of dissolved oxygen sensors. It is widely used in power plants, petrochemical industry, metallurgical electronics, mining, paper industry, food and beverage industry, environmental protection water treatment, aquaculture and other industries. The dissolved oxygen value and temperature value of water solution are continuously monitored and controlled.This instrument is a special instrument for detecting oxygen content in liquids in environmental protection sewage related industries. It has the characteristics of fast response, stability,reliability,and low use cost, widely used in large-scale water plants, aeration tanks, aquaculture, and sewage treatment plants.
  • Online Dissolved Oxygen Meter T6540

    Online Dissolved Oxygen Meter T6540

    Industrial online dissolved oxygen meter is an online water quality monitor and control instrument with microprocessor. The instrument is equipped with different types of dissolved oxygen sensors. It is widely used in power plants, petrochemical industry, metallurgical electronics, mining, paper industry, food and beverage industry, environmental protection water treatment, aquaculture and other industries. The dissolved oxygen value and temperature value of water solution are continuously monitored and controlled.This instrument is a special instrument for detecting oxygen content in liquids in environmental protection sewage related industries. It has the characteristics of fast response, stability,reliability,and low use cost, widely used in large-scale water plants, aeration tanks, aquaculture, and sewage treatment plants.
  • Digital RS485 Blue-green Algae Sensor for Water Quality Analysis  CS6401D

    Digital RS485 Blue-green Algae Sensor for Water Quality Analysis CS6401D

    CS6041D blue-green algae sensor uses the characteristic of cyanobacteria having absorption peak and emission peak in the spectrum to emit monochromatic light of a specific wavelength to the water. Cyanobacteria in the water absorb the energy of this monochromatic light and release monochromatic light of another wavelength. The light intensity emitted by cyanobacteria is proportional to the content of cyanobacteria in the water.Based on the fluorescence of the pigments to measurement the target parameters , it can be identified before the impact of algal bloom.No need for extraction or other treatment, rapid detection, to avoid the impact of shelving water samples;Digital sensor, strong anti-interference ability, long transmission distance;Standard digital signal output can be integrated and networked with other devices without controller.
  • T6040 Dissolved Oxygen Turbidity COD Water Meter Multi-parameter Water Analyzer

    T6040 Dissolved Oxygen Turbidity COD Water Meter Multi-parameter Water Analyzer

    Industrial online dissolved oxygen meter is an online water quality monitor and control instrument with microprocessor. The instrument is equipped with different types of dissolved oxygen sensors. It is widely used in power plants, petrochemical industry, metallurgical electronics, mining, paper industry, food and beverage industry, environmental protection water treatment, aquaculture and other industries. The dissolved oxygen value and temperature value of water solution are continuously monitored and controlled.This instrument is a special instrument for detecting oxygen content in liquids in environmental protection sewage related industries. It has the characteristics of fast response, stability,reliability,and low use cost, widely used in large-scale water plants, aeration tanks, aquaculture, and sewage treatment plants.
  • Online Dissolved Oxygen Meter T6040

    Online Dissolved Oxygen Meter T6040

    Industrial online dissolved oxygen meter is an online water quality monitor and control instrument with microprocessor. The instrument is equipped with different types of dissolved oxygen sensors. It is widely used in power plants, petrochemical industry, metallurgical electronics, mining, paper industry, food and beverage industry, environmental protection water treatment, aquaculture and other industries. The dissolved oxygen value and temperature value of water solution are continuously monitored and controlled.This instrument is a special instrument for detecting oxygen content in liquids in environmental protection sewage related industries. It has the characteristics of fast response, stability,reliability,and low use cost, widely used in large-scale water plants, aeration tanks, aquaculture, and sewage treatment plants.
  • T4040 Online Dissolved Oxygen Meter  Water Quality Monitoring Instrument

    T4040 Online Dissolved Oxygen Meter Water Quality Monitoring Instrument

    Fluorescence industialonlnedlissolvedoxygenmeter isanonlnewaterquality monitoringandcontto linsttumentwithmilcroprocesso r.Th einsttumen tisequippedwth Dissolvedoxygensensors .l tiswidelyuse dinpowerplant s,pettochemlca lindusty metallurgica lelectronics ,mining ,paperindustty ,foodandbeverage industty environmenta lprotectionwotertreatment ,aquacultureandother industies .Thedissolved oxygenvalueand temperaturevalueofwotersolutionarecontinuouslymonitoredandcontrolled Industrial online dissolved oxygen meter is an online water quality monitor and control instrument with microprocessor. The instrument is equipped with different types of dissolved oxygen sensors. It is widely used in power plants, petrochemical industry, metallurgical electronics, mining, paper industry, food and beverage industry, environmental protection water treatment, aquaculture and other industries. The dissolved oxygen value and temperature value of water solution are continuously monitored and controlled.This insttument is ananalytical measurementand control insttument with highly precision.only skiled,ttainedorauthoedpersonshouldcarryout instllation ,setupand operation of the instument.Ensure that thepowercable is physically separated from the power supply when connectionor repcir.once the safety problem occurs ,make sure that the power to the insttument is off and disconnected.
  • Online Dissolved Oxygen Meter T4040

    Online Dissolved Oxygen Meter T4040

    Fluorescence industialonlnedlissolvedoxygenmeter isanonlnewaterquality monitoringandcontto linsttumentwithmilcroprocesso r.Th einsttumen tisequippedwth Dissolvedoxygensensors .l tiswidelyuse dinpowerplant s,pettochemlca lindusty metallurgica lelectronics ,mining ,paperindustty ,foodandbeverage industty environmenta lprotectionwotertreatment ,aquacultureandother industies .Thedissolved oxygenvalueand temperaturevalueofwotersolutionarecontinuouslymonitoredandcontrolled Industrial online dissolved oxygen meter is an online water quality monitor and control instrument with microprocessor. The instrument is equipped with different types of dissolved oxygen sensors. It is widely used in power plants, petrochemical industry, metallurgical electronics, mining, paper industry, food and beverage industry, environmental protection water treatment, aquaculture and other industries. The dissolved oxygen value and temperature value of water solution are continuously monitored and controlled.This insttument is ananalytical measurementand control insttument with highly precision.only skiled,ttainedorauthoedpersonshouldcarryout instllation ,setupand operation of the instument.Ensure that thepowercable is physically separated from the power supply when connectionor repcir.once the safety problem occurs ,make sure that the power to the insttument is off and disconnected.
  • T6085 Online Ultrasonic Liquid Level Meter Water Level Measurement Transmitter

    T6085 Online Ultrasonic Liquid Level Meter Water Level Measurement Transmitter

    The Ultrasonic Liquid Level sensor can be used to continuously and accurately determine the Liquid Level. Stable data, reliable performance; built-in self-diagnosis function to ensure accurate data; simple installation and calibration.Determination of sludge interface in sewage treatment sedimentation tank, secondary settling tank, sludge thickening tank; determination of mud level in water plant sedimentation tank, water supply plant (sedimentation tank), sand washing plant (sedimentation tank), electric power (mortar sedimentation tank). Working principle: ultrasonic mud water interface measurement is installed in the water ultrasonic sensor, To launch an ultrasound pulse on the surface of the underwater mud, This pulse is reflected back when it hits the mud, can be received by the sensor again; From ultrasound to re-receiving, the time is proportional to the distance of the sensor to the surface of the object under test; The meter detected the time, And according to the current temperature (sensor measurement) underwater sound speed, Calculate the distance from the surface of the object to the sensor, The liquid level is further converted.
  • Online Ultrasonic Liquid Level Meter T6085

    Online Ultrasonic Liquid Level Meter T6085

    The Ultrasonic Liquid Level sensor can be used to continuously and accurately determine the Liquid Level. Stable data, reliable performance; built-in self-diagnosis function to ensure accurate data; simple installation and calibration.Determination of sludge interface in sewage treatment sedimentation tank, secondary settling tank, sludge thickening tank; determination of mud level in water plant sedimentation tank, water supply plant (sedimentation tank), sand washing plant (sedimentation tank), electric power (mortar sedimentation tank). Working principle: ultrasonic mud water interface measurement is installed in the water ultrasonic sensor, To launch an ultrasound pulse on the surface of the underwater mud, This pulse is reflected back when it hits the mud, can be received by the sensor again; From ultrasound to re-receiving, the time is proportional to the distance of the sensor to the surface of the object under test; The meter detected the time, And according to the current temperature (sensor measurement) underwater sound speed, Calculate the distance from the surface of the object to the sensor, The liquid level is further converted.
  • T6585 Digital Ultrasonic Liquid Level Meter

    T6585 Digital Ultrasonic Liquid Level Meter

    The Ultrasonic Liquid Level sensor can be used to continuously and accurately determine the Liquid Level. Stable data, reliable performance; built-in self-diagnosis function to ensure accurate data; simple installation and calibration.The Ultrasonic Liquid Level sensor can be used to continuously and accurately determine the Liquid Level. Stable data, reliable performance; built-in self-diagnosis function to ensure accurate data; simple installation and calibration.
  • Online Ultrasonic Liquid Level Meter T6585

    Online Ultrasonic Liquid Level Meter T6585

    The Ultrasonic Liquid Level sensor can be used to continuously and accurately determine the Liquid Level. Stable data, reliable performance; built-in self-diagnosis function to ensure accurate data; simple installation and calibration.The Ultrasonic Liquid Level sensor can be used to continuously and accurately determine the Liquid Level. Stable data, reliable performance; built-in self-diagnosis function to ensure accurate data; simple installation and calibration.